Definitions Recognized at the beginning of the subscription term or when the platform is made Subscription-based software license available to the customer (whichever is later). This is approximately 35%-40% of TCV. revenue Represents the portion of revenue that is recognized ratably over the life of the contract. Post-contract support (PCS) This is the remaining 60% to 65% of TCV. revenue Services revenue Recognized at a point in time as the services are performed and represents 5% or less of total revenue for all periods presented. ARR represents the annualized recurring value of all active subscription contracts at the Annual recurring revenue (ARR) end of a reporting period and excludes the value of non-recurring revenue streams, such as professional services. Both multi-year contracts and contracts with terms less than one year are annualized by dividing the total committed contract value by the number of months in the subscription term and then multiplying by twelve. Represents contractual amounts invoiced but not yet recognized as revenue. Deferred revenue Represents unbilled amounts for which the amount of revenue recognized exceeds the Contract asset amount invoiced. Represents the amount of contractual obligations that have not been recognized as Remaining performance obligations revenue. (RPO) Confidential │ ©2021 Alteryx, Inc. 33
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