Definitions Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR): ARR represents the annualized recurring value of all active subscription contracts at the end of a reporting period and excludes the value of non-recurring revenue streams, such as professional services. Both multi-year contracts and contracts with terms less than one year are annualized by dividing the total committed contract value by the number of months in the subscription term and then multiplying by twelve. Dollar-Based Net Expansion Rate: Our dollar-based net expansion rate is a trailing four-quarter average of the annual contract value, or ACV, which is defined as the subscription revenue that we would contractually expect to recognize over the term of the contract divided by the term of the contract, in years, from a cohort of customers in a quarter as compared to the same quarter in the prior year. A dollar- based net expansion rate equal to 100% would generally imply that we received the same amount of ACV from our cohort of customers in the current quarter as we did in the same quarter of the prior year. A dollar-based net expansion rate less than 100% would generally imply that we received less ACV from our cohort of customers in the current quarter than we did in the same quarter of the prior year. A dollar- based net expansion rate greater than 100% would generally imply that we received more ACV from our cohort of customers in the current quarter than we did in the same quarter of the prior year. To calculate our dollar-based net expansion rate, we first identify a cohort of customers, or the Base Customers, in a particular quarter, or the Base Quarter. A customer will not be considered a Base Customer unless such customer has an active subscription on the last day of the Base Quarter. We then divide the ACV in the same quarter of the subsequent year attributable to the Base Customers, or the Comparison Quarter, including Base Customers from which we no longer derive ACV in the Comparison Quarter, by the ACV attributable to those Base Customers in the Base Quarter. Our dollar-based net expansion rate in a particular quarter is then obtained by averaging the result from that particular quarter by the corresponding result from each of the prior three quarters. The dollar-based net expansion rate excludes contract value relating to professional services from that cohort. Customer: A customer at the end of any particular period is defined as an entity with a subscription agreement that runs through the current or future period as of the measurement date. A single organization with separate subsidiaries, segments, or divisions that use our platform may represent multiple customers, as we treat each entity that is invoiced separately as a single customer. Confidential │ ©2021 Alteryx, Inc. 31

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